Thursday, December 2, 2010

Revision has begun!!!

Okay, so I lasted 11 days before I started to revise. I blame the NaNoWriMo website; they had a post on there which a longtime NaNo alumni says that she gives it a week before she starts revising. I gave it 11 days, and I started in today (actually late last night/early this morning before I went to bed). What I’ve done so far is to skim through it and write down a chapter by chapter synopsis. I’m doing this so I can make sure the plot is solid. I finished with that about 20 minutes ago. I’m going to compile it into one document and see if I need to mess with the plot. I came across a few plot holes while I was typing up the synopsis: nothing too glaring, but there are a few. Once I do that, I will see if I need to add any chapters. I also need to pick a few names for things (while I was writing NaNo, I would put placeholders in the text, such as “Aaaa” and so on, keeping a separate file keeping track of what those names need to be. I can put all those in before I do the line by line editing. Also, I think I want to briefly sketch out the rest of the story (I envision this to be either book 1 in a series or the first part of a book, depending on how long it is once I revise/rewrite it) so that I can see if the revised plot jives with it. Once I make any adjustments there, I'm either going to a)start rewriting/revising based off of that document or b)type up an outline of the revised plot document before I start my rewrite. Once I finish the second draft, I am going to start letting people read it.
I'm also trying to form a writer’s group. I belong to one already, but I am going to form a more focused group that that. Most established authors I’ve talked to or read about talk about the importance of a writer’s group. It will be small and focused, giving me a group to get some serious feedback on it. Let's face it, it’s A LOT to ask of someone to read a novel you wrote and comment on it. I will also get the chance to do the same for the others there.
That's all for now. It's Nikki’s birthday today, so I’ll be taking her out this evening. I have a big job interview this afternoon, so keep your fingers crossed! I'm pretty sure that unless the interviewer is a drunken or depressed robot with no understanding at all of human interactions that I’ll walk out of there with a job (or at least that’s the attitude I'm going to walk in there with). Should be pretty decent. I would love to be able, as part of my birthday present to her, to tell Nikki I just got a job! Not working sucks donkey balls.

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